Water distribution characteristics of deflector plates used in center pivot irrigation systems - DOI: 10.7127/rbai.v1801350

Giuliani do Prado, Tiago Bueno Braga Coelho, Adriano Catossi Tinos, Edmilson Cesar Bortoletto, Denise Mahl, Daniela D'Orazio Bortoluzzi


The work aimed to determine the water distribution characteristics of the spray-sprinkler Asfix type manufactured by Fabrimar®. In the evaluations, 96 combinations were considered, given by: working pressure (103 and 138 kPa), sprinkler height (0.8, 1.6, and 2.4 m), nozzle diameter (4.4 and 5.6 mm), and deflector plates (two rotating and six fixed). The water application rates were measured from radial rows of collectors. The mean application rate values were used to determine the wetted radii and the water distribution curves. The distribution curves were normalized and processed with the cluster analysis employing the K-Means method. Power equations of wetted radius, as a function of nozzle diameter, working pressure, and sprinkler height, presented coefficients of determination higher than 90%. Four representative shapes of distribution curves for deflector plates yellow, red, blue, and purple, as well as white, black, gray, and green, resulted, respectively, in standard deviations of 0.191 and 0.219. Sprinkler working with fixed plates had a trend to present high application rates near the edge of the water distribution curve. However, rotating plates (yellow and red) provided a decrease in application rate along the distribution curve

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Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada - RBAI

ISSN: 1982-7679

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