“Bases and Experiences of Biosaline Agriculture in Brazil and in the World”

“Challenges for the sustainable development of irrigated agriculture in an environment of huge uncertainty”

From December 7 to 11, 2020, the scientific community will congregate virtually in a special and never seen edition of the INOVAGRI International Meeting, which this year will be the INOVAGRI MEETING VIRTUAL 2020.

INOVAGRI VIRTUAL MEETING will be a joint edition to the XXIX National Congress on Irrigation and Drainage – CONIRD and the IV BRAZILIAN SALINITY SYMPOSIUM – IV SBS, which brings the theme: “Bases and Experiences of Biosalin Agriculture in Brazil and in the World”

In a scenario of serious socioeconomic impact resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, Brazilian agribusiness stands out as a sector of growth and many opportunities. The realization of INOVAGRI MEETING VIRTUAL 2020 unites efforts by the Brazilian scientific community and foreign research groups to contribute to the improvement of the processes of transforming water into food and fibers, with sustainability and overcoming uncertainties.

During the 5-day event we will offer the presentation of 30Round Tables with at least 120 speakers, in addition to a wide program composed of Oral Sessions, Poster Sessions, meetings of research groups and other activities with expected discussions on various subjects such as: new technologies for irrigation; irrigation engineering; efficient irrigation management; water resources; climate; water quality in irrigated agriculture, in addition to the new directions of science for improving agricultural activity with an emphasis on technology transfer and advice to irrigators.

The event will receive scientific articles and will bring together, in addition to renowned national and international researchers, technicians, students, producers, public and private companies involved with the THEMES proposed in the event, which are:

  1. Pressurized irrigation;
  2. Surface irrigation and agricultural drainage;
  3. Irrigation management;
  4. Soil and Water (Water Resources);
  5. Automation, Instrumentation and Sensors;
  6. Fertigation;
  7. Remote sensing;
  8. Vegetables production;
  9. Salinity;
  10. Climate (Agrometereology).


  • 30 Round Tables for 3 days, involving a total of 120 national and international speakers (to be announced);
  • Oral Presentations;
  • Poster presentations;
  • Research Group Meetings;
  • Online courses;
  • Publications of special editions in periodicals and books.

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