Water balance climatological and climate classification of Francisco Beltrão-PR, Brazil - DOI: 10.7127/rbai.v1801242

Allan Remor Lopes, Marcelo Dotto, Elouize Xavier


Knowledge and proper management of soil-water-plant-atmosphere relationships are crucial for promoting sustainable agricultural development. This study aimedto characterize the physical and water attributes of yellow latosols in the MATOPIBA region of Piaui, Brazil. Soil samples were collected from 12 soil profiles, and mini-trenches were opened in each area to collect soil samples with deformed and undeformed structures at different depths. We measured various parameters, including granulometric analysis, bulk density, particle density, macropores, micropores, total porosity, field capacity, permanent wilting point, and available water content. Descriptive statistical analysis, Pearson's correlation analysis, path analysis, and principal component analysis were performed on the data. The results demonstrated that the available water content was directly influenced by the field capacity and soil microporosity within the range of 0.0–0.20 m and 0.20–0.40 m, respectively. From an agronomic perspective, the Yellow Latosol profiles evaluated in the MATOPIBA region exhibit satisfactory physical and physical-hydric attributes for sustainable agricultural development.

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Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada - RBAI

ISSN: 1982-7679

E-mail: revista@inovagri.org.br