“Bases and Experiences of Biosaline Agriculture in Brazil and in the World”

“Challenges for the sustainable development of irrigated agriculture in an environment of huge uncertainty”

This program will feature Round Tables formed by four specialists from Brazil and other countries, with a moderator and three speakers who, after the presentations and achievements, will also answer the questions of the participants.

During the 5 days we will have poster presentations that will be made available for access to the whole day. As well as the oral presentations that will be divided into four composed by presentations each. SEE HERE the instructions for the presentations.


In a scenario of serious socioeconomic impact resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, Brazilian agribusiness stands out as a sector of growth and many opportunities. The realization of INOVAGRI MEETING VIRTUAL 2020 unites efforts by the Brazilian scientific community and foreign research groups to contribute to the improvement of the processes of transforming water into food and fibers, with sustainability and overcoming uncertainties.

The salinity of water and soil is a persistent problem on all continents, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Worldwide data indicate that 20% of the total cultivated areas (rainfed and irrigated) and 33% of the irrigated agricultural land are affected by the excess of salts in the soil, notably in arid and semi-arid regions. In addition, a significant part of the water sources in these regions, notably groundwater, have high concentrations of salts, which can be a limiting factor for traditional agricultural production. However, the growing demand for food, the scarcity of water resources and the global climate change scenarios indicate the need to use these saline resources. In this sense, Biosaline Agriculture appears as one of the tools to increase food production and generate jobs and income for farmers, especially in dry regions. In this context, the IV Brazilian Symposium on Salinity (IV SBS) brings as its central theme the “Bases and experience of Biosaline Agriculture in Brazil and in the World”. The purpose of the event is to discuss Biosaline Agriculture, considering the conceptual aspects, the advances of this activity in the world and the experiences and potential in the Brazilian semiarid region. It is expected to contribute to the recognition and growth of Biosaline Agriculture in Brazil, which can generate important actions within public policies aimed at agricultural production in this region. Also to contribute to the establishment of new partnerships and exchanges, essential for scientific development and the training of human resources in the country. The IV SBS program will have four Round Tables with speakers from Brazil and other countries that develop work with Biosaline Agriculture. There will also be presentations of research results (oral and poster) by students and professionals enrolled in the event, within the following themes: Characterization, typification and management of brackish waters for productive purposes (plant and animal); Characterization, reclamation and strategies for use of salt-affected soils; Physiological responses and mechanisms of salt tolerance in plants; Potential for the production of halophyte and myohalophyte species in biosaline systems.

December 7, Monday


Sérgio Rodrigues Ayrimoraes Soares – ANA

ROUND TABLE 2 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Analyzes and solutions applied to irrigated agriculture

Sérgio de Agrela – IRRI SYSTEMS S.A

Marco Aurélio Holanda de Castro – UFC

Nicola Lamaddalena – CIHEAM BARI – ITALY

Rodrigo Ribeiro Franco Vieira – CODEVASF

MODERATOR: Raimundo Rodrigues Gomes Filho – UFS

ROUND TABLE 3 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Opportunities and challenges for expanding the use of wastewater in irrigation

Francisco Pedrero Salcedo – Centro de Edafologia e Biologia Aplicada de Segura – Murcia – SPAIN

Valentina Lazarova – LargeSenior Expert, SUEZ – FRANCE

Gaetano Alessandro Vivaldi – Universidade de Bari – ITALY

MODERATOR: Daniele Zaccaria – Departamento LAWR – UC Davis

ROUND TABLE 4 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Advisory services to irrigators: the Brazilian experience

Gabriel Melo Guarda – FieldNet Advisor Lindsay

Daniel Ávila Jacinto – iCrop

Reimar Carlesso – Irriga Global

Sandro Batista Rodrigues – Irriger

Luís Otávio Carvalho de Souza – Manna Rivulis

MODERATOR – Fernando Braz Tangerino Hernandez – UNESP

ROUND TABLE 5 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Sensing: Innovation and Technology at the service of irrigation

Maria Isabel Valín Sanjiao – ESA/IPVC – Portugal

José Silvestre – INIAV – Portugal

Jucilene Siqueira – LEAF – Portugal

José Rafael Marques da Silva – ÉVORA, Portugal

MODERATOR – Celestina Maria Gago Pedras – UALG – Portugal

December 8, Tuesday

ROUND TABLE 6 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Why collaborate with farmers in research on irrigated agriculture?

Patricio Grassini – Universidade de Nebraska – USA

Nele Verhulst – CIMMYT – México

Richard Stirzaker – Agriculture and Food – CSIRO – Austrália

MODERATOR: Helena Gomez-Macpherson – IAS/CSIC – Spain

ROUND TABLE 7 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Storage and abstraction of water for irrigation

Alisson Jadavi Pereira da Silva – IF Baiano                  

Fernando C Faria – GH2O

Luiz Antônio Lima – UFLA

MODERATOR – Thiago Henriques Fontenelle – ANA

ROUND TABLE 8 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Combination of remote sensing and surface measurements for hydrological assessments

To be defined

Ivo Zution – University of Nebraska

George Burba – LI-COR Science & Strategy Fellow  at LI-COR Biosciences

MODERATOR: Christopher Neale – University of Nebraska

ROUND TABLE 9 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Evaluation of irrigation systems in small and medium rural properties

Alejandro Antunes – INIA-CHILE

Eusímio Fraga – UFU

Alberto Colombo – UFLA

MODERATOR: Alexsandro Almeida – UFAL


ROUND TABLE 1 (SBS): Conceptual aspects and experiences in biosaline agriculture

R. K. Singh (International Center for Biosaline Agriculture – ICBA) – Biosaline agriculture in the world: conceptual aspects, research and successful experiences

Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo (Embrapa Semiárido) – Conceptual aspects and experiences in biosaline agriculture in Brazil

Moderator: Jorge Ferreira (US Salinity Laboratory/ARS/USDA)

ROUND TABLE 2 (SBS): Potential of native and exotic plants for biosaline agriculture

Pedro Dantas Fernandes (UFCG) – Halophytes in biosaline agriculture: Mechanism, utilization, and added value

César Serra Bonifácio Costa (FURG)– Experiences of halophyte cultivation in Rio Grande do Sul

Manoel Teixeira Souza Junior (Embrapa Agroenergia) – Characterization of halophyte genetic resources using phenomics, genomics, transcritomics and metabolomics

Moderator: Maria Betãnia Galvão dos Santos Freire (UFRPE)

December 9, Wednesday

ROUND TABLE 11 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Fertigation management in perennial crops

Luiz Fabiano Palaretti -UNESP

José Maria Pinto – Embrapa CPATSA


MODERATOR: André Fernandes – UNIUBE

ROUND TABLE 12 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Irrigation Efficiency and Scheduling

Nicola Lamaddalena – CIHEAM Bari – Italy

Claire Serra-Wittling – INRAE – Françe

MODERATOR – Bruno Molle – INRAE – Françe

M ROUND TABLE 13 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Recent Technologies for the Agricultural Water Management in Chile. Session 1

Claudio Balobontin – INIA- CHILE

Francisco Meza – PUC – CHILE

Pilar Gil – PUC – CHILE

MODERATOR: Octavio Lagos – UdeC – CHILE

ROUND TABLE 14 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Recent Technologies for the Agricultural Water Management in Chile. Session 2

Mario Lillo – University of Concepción – CHILE

Eduardo Holzapfel – University of Concepción – CHILE

Diego Rivera – University of Desarrollo – CHILE

Camilo Souto – University of Concepción – CHILE

MODERATOR: Octavio Lagos (UdeC) – CHILE


ROUND TABLE 16 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Agrometeorological modeling of irrigated crops

Gustavo Bastos Lyra – UFRRJ

Rafael Battisti – UFG

Alencar Junior Zanon – UFSM

MODERATOR: Thieres George Freire da Silva – UFRPE

ROUND TABLE 17 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Challenges of modern irrigation and technological innovations applied to fruit growing in the Brazilian Semiarid Region

Michel Freire – 3V3 Tecnologia

Rogério dos Santos Martins – Produtiva Agrícola e Consultoria

Welson Simões – EMBRAPA

MODERATOR: Luís Fernando Campeche – IF Sertão Pernambucano

ROUND TABLE 3 (SBS): The potential for using brackish groundwater for biosaline production purposes in the semiarid region

Márcio de Oliveira Candido (Serviço Geológico do Brasil, CPRM) – Studies on groundwater availability in semiarid regions: The case of Northern Minas Gerais

Claudivan Feitosa de Lacerda (UFC) – Strategies to increase the potential of brackish waters for plant production in the semiarid region

Enio Farias de França e Silva (UFRPE) – Experiences in the use of brackish water in hydroponic systems in the Brazilian semiarid region

Moderator: Nildo da Silva Dias (UFERSA)

ROUND TABLE 4 (SBS): Management and use of salt-affected soils in the agricultural systems

Raimundo Nonato Távora Costa (UFC) – Barriers and alternatives for agricultural production in salinized soils in the Brazilian semiarid region

Raul Silvio Lavado (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) – Remoción de sodio y cambios en propiedades en suelos salino-alcalinos causados por la fertilización de pasturas, en las Pampas, Argentina

Edivan Rodrigues de Souza (UFRPE) – Experiences in the use of soil conditioners and phytoremediation in the Brazilian semiarid region

Moderator: Hans Raj Gheyi (UFCG)

December 10, Thursday

ROUND TABLE 18 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Use of geotechnologies in watershed management

Rafael Mingoti – Embrapa Territorial

Abelardo de Assunção Montenegro – UFRPE

Carlos Roberto Padovani – Embrapa Pantanal

MODERATOR: Pedro Rogério Giongo – UEG

ROUND TABLE 19 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Use of Bioclimatic Indexes for Drought and Climate Change Assessment

Francesca Ventura – Universidade de Bolonia

Donatella Spano – University of Sassari

Giuseppe Passarella – CNR-IRSA

MODERATOR: Octavio Lagos – Universidade de Concepción, Chillán

ROUND TABLE 20 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Advisory Services for Irrigation in Spain: Water and Economic Efficiency

José Maria Tarjuelo – Universidad Castilla-La Mancha – Spain

Alfonso Dominguez – Universidad Castilla-La Mancha – Spain

Julian Tapia – Junta de Extremadura – Spain

MODERATOR: Silvio Carlos Ribeiro – SEDET/Governo do Estado do Ceará – Brasil

ROUND TABLE 21 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Advances in determining ET for irrigation management

Homero Bergamaschi – UFRGS

Richard Leslie Snyder – UCDAVIS

Rogério Teixeira de Faria – UNESP

MODERATOR: Ricardo Gava – UFMS


December 11, Friday

ROUND TABLE 23: Irrigation in the management of protected and controlled plant cultivation environments

Andres da Silva – EACEA

Thiago Renda – Área Verde

Carlos Barth – Naan Dan Jain

MODERATOR: Antonio Bliska Júnior – Feagri-Unicamp

ROUND TABLE 24 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Instrumentation applied to water management

Luís Henrique Bassoi – Embrapa

Ceres Duarte Almeida – UFRPE

Edson Matsura – Unicamp

MODERATOR: Conan Ayade Savaldor – UFRRJ

ROUND TABLE 25 (INOVAGRI/CONIRD): Sensing: Innovation and Technology at the service of irrigation

Maria Isabel Valín Sanjiao – ESA/IPVC – Portugal

José Silvestre – INIAV – Portugal

Jucilene Siqueira – LEAF – Portugal

José Rafael Marques da Silva – ÉVORA, Portugal

MODERATOR – Celestina Maria Gago Pedras – UALG – Portugal